Monday, March 28, 2011

March Reader Response

March Reader Response

I am responding to The Story Box by Monica Hughes. I have read 200 out of 200 pages. This text is fiction because it is not based off of a true story. The genre is drama. The main characters in this book are Colin, Etta, and Jennifer. Colin is the protagonist. The setting is on the Isle of Ariban, in the past. I think it is in the past because the people of the island farm and fish for food and work all day and don't have technology. The conflict is that dreaming, storytelling, and imagination is outlawed on Ariban but then a stranger comes from another land who is a storyteller and gets Colin and his family in trouble. The climax is when Colin rescues Jennifer and Etta from jail and sail off with the widow Aileen in search of another land. The theme of The Story Box is what decisions you should make because Colin is often confused to what he should do: Stand up for Etta and Jennifer and help them escape the blame or save his own life by supporting the other side?


To summarize this text in a few sentences I would say that on Ariban dreams are not allowed to be spoken and stories, or anything made up and not real, are not allowed to be told or you will be severely punished. Then a stranger washes up on Ariban, Jennifer, who comes from a foreign land where stories and imagination are treasured. Colin finds her unconscious on the beach with a secret box filled with books and takes her home to be sheltered, however he doesn't know the trouble he is getting himself into. Soon Etta and Jennifer become friends and trade stories back and forth and the Elders of Ariban find out and blame them and Colin and his family for sheltering her. Colin has to protect Etta and Jennifer from the threat of execution until trading season comes and Jennifer can escape on one of the boats.
The character I dislike the most is Elder Fisher because he thinks that dreams and stories are dangerous and anyone on Ariban who tells stories should be gotten rid of. He shows no mercy for Etta even though she is only a little girl!
My favorite part of the text was when Jennifer, Colin, Etta, and Aileen escape from Ariban on the boat, Wind Runner. This is my favorite part of the book because at first it is exciting and suspenseful as they make a break for it and the villagers soon spot them and start throwing rocks to make holes in the boat, but they make it and get far enough away from the shore to be safe. I like this part because they can finally be free and lead a free life on another land.


Compared to other books by this author, I would say that this one is a lot different. I like this author because not all of her books are the same, they are all very different. Some of them aren't even the same genre, but this author always manages to pull it off and make a good book and you can tell it's written by the same person because the writing is recognizable and good.
The setting of this book reminds me of the setting of Eragon because it is on an island where nobody knows of any other land besides the island and instead of going out to look for other land, everyone just deals with the problems on their own country. Another reason Ariban of The Story Box reminds me of Alagaesia in Eragon is because it is likely set in the past. I have read a lot of fantasy novels and one thing I noticed is that most of them, but not all of them, take place in a past setting, almost like medieval times. They have no gadgets of the future such as computers, phones, or even cars.
The ending of this book reminds me of A Series of Unfortunate Events because at the ending of this book, they escape the island on a boat in search of new land and a new life, but it ends there and doesn't go any further. This is the same thing in the Unfortunate Events books and when I read it it really reminded me of when I was finishing the final Unfortunate Events book.


I predict that Etta, Colin, Aileen and Jennifer will find the island that Jennifer came from and live there happily. Maybe Colin and Etta's parents will come after them and realize that they were right about the right to imagine and they will live there with them. One thing I like about this book is that the ending is not closed and instead is left open making you think, “Now what?” I think authors use this strategy because some people will be disappointed with the ending, so they leave it open for the reader to make it whatever they want. Maybe if the reader didn't like Colin and Etta, they would predict that they would be caught and trapped again by the Elders of Ariban.
However this book isn't perfect. One reason I didn't like it is because it kind of drags on and while t one point it can be hard to put down, sometimes there are boring parts. It is hard to judge this book because sometimes you love it and other times you don't like it. I think there are some parts that are boring and that I think the author should have taken out, such as when Colin is talking to his parents normally and doing chores. There is little excitement or interest in these scenes and you wish you could just skip it. If the book was more fast-paced it would be more exciting but it feels slow sometimes when you're reading it.

Monday, January 31, 2011

February Reader Response

Reader Response Jan.25 

The book I am responding to is Brisingr by Christopher Paolini. I have read 610 pages out of 748. The 
main characters are Eragon, his dragon Saphira, and Roran, his cousin. Eragon is the protagonist and the 
antagonist is Galbatorix. The setting is in a fictional land called Alagaesia. The problem is the war between 
the evil King Galbatorix and the Varden. Galbatorix rules Alagaesia but he enslaves and kills people. The 
Varden is an opposing group of people and soldiers who are rebelling against King Galbatorix. The genre is 
fantasy fiction because there are characters and ideas which are not realistic, for example dragons, elves 
and magic. The theme is the conflict between the Empire and the Varden. The author sometimes uses 
foreshadowing to create suspense; for example when the Varden have to ally with and fight alongside 
their longtime enemies, the urgals, there is a tense and bitter atmosphere between them. This 
foreshadows the following event when a human soldier of the Varden murders one of the urgals in its 


To summarize the text in 1-3 sentences, I would say that each chapter switches between Roran's point
of view and Eragon's point of view. Roran is one of the highest warriors in the Varden and is sent of to do
missions by Lady Nasuada, while meanwhile Eragon spends time at Farthen Dur (the dwarf kingdom) making
sure Orik becomes king. He then flies off on Saphira to Ellesmera to continue his training in magic.

What I want to remember about this text is how all of the characters and settings in the book are well
structured and written. The author is very good at storytelling and by reading the book you can tell he is
very creative and has a good imagination. You can learn a lot about writing by reading this book.

I did not find this book hard to follow because everything is spread out throughout the book well and
no part of the book is rushed or packed in. The book is over 700 pages long which is proof of this.


The character Oromis reminds me of Dumbledore from Harry Potter because he is old and wise and is
teaching Eragon about using magic like Dumbledore did with Harry.

I am different from most of the characters in the story because they are brave and always battle-
ready but if I were in their situation I would not want to fight because I would be too scared and I don't
like taking part in anything violent. Almost every character in the story is fighting or has fought in their
lifetime, even the girls like Nasuada and Arya. They are a lot tougher than I and most people.

The city of Tronjheim reminds me of a setting in a book I've read called The Serpent's Egg. In The
Serpent's Egg, there is a city located inside of a mountain. In Brisingr, Tronjheim is a city inside of the
mountain Farthen Dur. In both books, dwarves inhabit the cities.


If I could speak to the author, I would ask what inspired him to start writing the Inheritance Cycle?
And how does he come up with the events and ideas in the books? Does it just come naturally or does he
go through a routine or something similar? I would also ask him what advice he has for young writers
because he was in high school when he started writing Eragon.

When I read this text I feel a lot of different emotions. Most of the time it's suspense because the
book is very suspenseful especially during the action scenes. I feel happy, sad and angry at times and that
is a good thing because it means it is a good book. The author wants to make you feel engaged in the book
and feel different emotions.

I think the text is effective because it is always very surprising. If the author didn't add in
unexpected plot twists, the book would be a lot less interesting and more boring. A good example of this is
when Eragon was going to the room where the dwarf king election would be held and he was suddenly
ambushed by a group of dwarves who were against him. It added an extra action scene and was a good
addition to the story.